02 - Sustainability pages

Led a design-led campaign in collaboration with the design systems team and UX writing to enhance transparency of our sustainability practices, targeting brand awareness for all type of customers worried about packaging waste.

Details of the project

Leading meal-kit company - HelloFresh

Project dates
Q3-4, 2022

Main Product Designer

I redesigned our sustainability pages for US market users to enhance packaging transparency, fostering informed decisions and brand loyalty. This redesign also empowered the sustainability and marketing teams by providing a transparent platform for sharing initiatives and boosting user engagement.

The challenge


Balancing user needs: disposing of packaging, understanding meal kit sustainability practices, carbon footprint transparency. With technical constraints: Contentful limitations specially when it comes to hero banner images, this required close collaboration with developers.


Redesigned and created 7 sustainability pages for our main meal kit brand in the US.

Research: Explored cancellation reasons, user complaints, and external sources like reddit. Mapped connections & conducted competitor analysis.

Feedback: Comprehensive critique involving not only our entire design team, but cross-functional teams & brands.

Design: Iterated content with UX writer & gained stakeholder approval. DesignOps led brand-aligned illustrations over 3 iterations

Some of the versions I brought up for critique.
Notes on files of the feedback captured and best practices.

Solution & results

Integrated educational content on sustainability across 7 redesigned pages, addressing key areas like carbon footprint, food waste, packaging disposal, and social practices. The final look would not have been possible without having such a strong illustrator in our team.

Results: Modules reused by other brands, leading to increased conversion rates. Recognized with Q1 2023 awards on Bringers of Joy. Personal reflection: Would advocate for pushing past contentful barriers and challenging senior designers more.

See all the pages here.